Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Module 3 - Google Documents

I have used Google Docs previously to create online surveys using the spreadsheet / form option. It was very useful as we were getting all Yr 11 to complete a survey for learning support. The survey was public, as the content was specific to SCCVC. I have also participated in online surveys.

These forms are really easy to create and use. For the Web 2.0 course we trialled creating documents and sharing among staff here at SCCVC. We could see the positives:

  • collaborative tasks within and outside of class time for students

  • real time editing, could be amusing for students - possible abuse
and negatives:

  • teacher is unable to know which students contributed to the document if more than are able to edit

  • limited formatting options

  • internet access - speed
Actually, most of the teachers working on this module from SCCVC had difficulty uploading a simple, small WORD document. Will need further investigation, another time.

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