Thursday, December 2, 2010

Final Reflection

In a previous role at TAFE I had been exposed to many of these Web 2.0 technologies through PD. Though the uptake with TAFE students varied, nontheless the direction of education in the VET sector is similar to that of the school sector. Now in a secondary senior school, I have the ability advise teachers to apply these technologies with a younger audience.
The course provided me with some great insight into some of the uses of Web 2.0 which could be applied across many subject areas including the more practically based vocational courses. What was reinforced with me, is the need to be flexible with the ever increasing variety of software which can readily be adapted to teaching practices. The ease at which students pick up technology should be harnessed and applied to technologies in the classroom.
Often this maybe just providing the URL to a free website making site, where students teach themselves how to create pages. Here at SCCVC, blogs are a good way for students to reflect on practical classes they undertake. Rather than teachers spoon feeding students with content they have accumulated over the years, allow the students to create their own content and make a WIKI.
The Web 2.0 course has revitalised me to apply the many web 2.0 technologies available today. As many of these are free and in the 'cloud' it is only our imagination which holds us back with their application in the classroom.

I made a comment on the Leanne Connor's Blog - - Module 6

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