Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Module 10 - Wikis

4 men each holding a letter that reads WIKI
Wikis are a great way for students to display their research in a structured online envirnoment. Rather than read the textbook / chapter, lets make the textbook! Being online means the content can be dynamic, interesting and student centred. Allowing students to be the creators of the content, gives them ownership and better buy-in of the content. They are better placed to understand and take in what content is being covered.

Nings, unfortunately, are no longer an option for schools now that they now incur a fee. Web20 software is a free online resource which schools could use, but how long with this remain a free option??
Many of the Web 2.0 technologies will certainly change the way students will engage in learning. As digital natives, they are not afraid to try new programs, especially if they look similar to ones they are already confident with. Handing out a sheet of paper in class and getting the students to complete, is really hard work for the teacher.
Change the focus of the task and include ICT, and you have them onboard. In many wasy you can use WIKIs and large challenge based learning task together. I would like to see our students and teachers use either the WIKI portlet in myPLS or free web based WIKIs like Wikispaces.

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