Thursday, November 4, 2010

Module 5 - Podcasts

Our students are very familiar with the use of iTunes (to update their iPod) and YouTube (latest funny video). As teachers we should be trying to incorporate both educationally based podcasts and videos into the planning of our programs.

Especially in vocationally based subjects (as is the case at SCCVC), videos really lend themselves to demonstrate to students some of the practically based aspects of the course. Equally, teachers and students have easy access to cameras with video capability or videos. This enables them to be creaters of knowledge and upload to YouTube or TeacherTube. This is handy for teachers to record lessons, experiments or pracs, for students who are away from class.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that podcasts enables students to be creators of knowledge, whilst building collaborative skills. I am very keen to use this tool with my Entertainment students in producing a podcast on the causes and effects of OHS hazards in the industry. Here they will be able to further develop their existing knowledge and create new understanding on the topic.
