Monday, November 22, 2010

Module 8 - RSS Feed

I think my son beat me to this one! Each evening he 'checks out' @ 100 RSS feeds he has on his Google Reader - cartoons, pictures, cool stuff, comics, etc. For him, its a means by which he keeps up to date with what's on the net and be ahead of the rest - conversation starter! He is addicted to tivia, and there is plenty of that on the internet.

In my role at SCCVC, its important to keep abreast of the latest technologies, uses in education, government trends funding & usage, and readily accessible online resources. Creating RSS feeds to sites which advocate these areas is a clever way to aggregate the information. It's only when I remember or get a request from another staff member, that I will go back to these sites. The clever way, is to let RSS do the work for you.

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