Monday, November 8, 2010

Module 7 - Delicious

Having just had my school laptop stolen, complete with @100 bookmarks, I can certainly see the benefit of devising a Delicious account! Using the bookmark option in any browser, users are able to organise, plan and prepare for work and study in the future. Delicious allows those mobile internet users to have their favourite sites accessible from where ever. As teachers working between school and home, a cloud based bookmarking system is ideal. As too for students who may have access to computers in labs, libraries and study centres at school, can easily record those important websites for later use at home.

Here at SCCVC, all students have their own laptop, and they can readily bookmark internet sites for work purposes. Clearly, if laptops are broken, forgotten to be bought to school or run out of battery, access to these weblinks are not possible.
There is a real purpose for Delicious, but I am not sure that it would benefit the students at SCCVC.


  1. A hard way to learn a the Delicious lesson losing your laptop!

  2. I guess we all talk about backing our work in case laptops are stolen or hard drives fail but who would ever think about backing up bookmarks.
